Historical Memory Map of San Sebastian

Important places in the time between the Civil War and the Franco dictatorship.

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Places of conflict Places hit by the bombings Detention centres
Where bodies where buried Where executions took place Memorials
**Sanidad militar ***Trabajos forzados

The Donostia/San Sebastian Historical Memory Map is meant to be an invitation to carry out a critical and dynamic reappraisal of our past. In the interest of this endeavour, to comprehend what really happened from that summer of 1936 onwards. To that end, we propose getting to know the physical setting, the time when the events took place and showing the elements put into place to commemorate some of the tragedies suffered by so many.

We shall, thus, ask ourselves: How was it possible that the streets of our city could become a battle ground? Why did hundreds of people lose their lives in such violent circumstances in places now so familiar to us? Which, of the many places we pass by every day, probably served to lock up and put away thousands of people from our city, men and women alike?

History isn’t something anonymous. It has faces, names, addresses… By becoming familiar with many of the settings in which the Civil War unfolded in San Sebastian after the Military Coup, we wish to promote serene debate and heartfelt remembrance. Nothing would ever be the same again after thatmonth of June 1936. To know where we’re going, we must know where we come from.

History is there, just round the corner.